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Inner Game

Non-Readers Are Losers: Here's My Recommended Reading List (Devour It)

  “I spend a lot of time reading.”

     ~ Bill Gates, The Richest Man in the World

“The Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has just published the story of her life. I confess that it is not in my reading list.”

~ Mick Jagger

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here…

As anyone who knows me will roll their eyes, laugh and attest to, I read a lot.

By “a lot” I mean there are normally more times during the day that I’m reading than not reading.

Way more.

Like if those two amounts of time – Reading Time vs. No Reading Time – were to morph into corresponding Time Monsters and battle each other… the fight would just never happen because No Reading Time would look up at Reading Time and just say “F that” and RUN. Reading Time would consider chasing him but then realize it needs…

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