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Business Development

REI Biz or REI Hobby: Which Is It?

Howdy, Moguls. Today we have an extra special treat for you guys. We’re really excited to welcome a brand spankin’ new expert, David Corbaley. David is coming in with a bang by challenging us to ask ourselves:

Do you run a legitimate real estate investing business or is it just a hobby?

(Oh, snap. No he didn’t!) Uh, yes he did…

And some of you are probably thinking… Wait a second, that’s actually something to think about. How do I know? What differentiates an REI hobby from an REI business?

Well in this lesson series, David is going to tell us exactly what criteria are needed to answer this question. But first, let’s give a warm welcome to our new Faculty Advisor…

Welcome Manly Man, David Corbaley

David spent nearly 10 years in the Army and joined the elite Special Forces, traveling the world and doing amazing things with his comrades. After he left the service in 1996, he worked several odd jobs until…

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