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REI Tech

3 Ways to Answer “Can You Hear Me Now?”

Real estate investors spend a lot of time on the phone.  No doubt about it.  To be successful you have to be able to offer service to our customers 24/7.  After all, you never know when a motivated seller will call with a killer deal.  One thing’s for sure:

If you’re not available, your competition will be.

But let’s face it – we are in this business to have freedom.  We don’t want to be a slave to our phones all the time.  Hiring others to field phone calls can get expensive.  If you don’t want to hire a local person, overseas VA’s can be unreliable and have accents that might turn off your customers.

That’s where technology comes in. 

Large businesses have been using answering services, phone trees and other phone tech to route calls and capture customers for a long time.  Now it’s the small entrepreneur’s turn. 

We’ve found three websites that can make a small…

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