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Could Someone Patent the Phrase “We Buy Houses”?

“We buy houses” or some variation of it is all over the real estate investing world. As a market starts heating up, the phrase starts showing up everywhere:

  • Bandit signs
  • Craigslist
  • Google searches
  • Flyers
  • Door Hangers
  • Billboards


What if all of a sudden someone tried to trademark the phrase? Then they could probably just turn their business model into suing every other real estate investor for trademark infringement.

Well one company did just that.

We Buy Houses (WBH) – a company that, surprise, surprise, promises quick cash offers for homes – once owned the phrase. Fortunately, they didn’t send out too many cease and desist notices to everyone else. They did, however, raise the ire of another real estate investing company who decided to take them to court over it.

Here is the page from the We Buy Houses website showing their trademark.

Case Details

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