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Inner Game

How to Make Freaking MIRACLES Happen in Your Business…

Hey Moguls, Andrew ‘The Maestro’ Massaro here…

I have this little disclaimer under each of my student testimonials on my website.  It says:      

"Results not typical.  If you sit on the couch all day and refuse to follow my instruction, you will remain broke."

For you, just replace "follow my instruction," with "be active," and you'll understand what I'm trying to tell you.

"Showing up is 80% of life."
                           ~ Woody Allen

Early in my career, as I was building my business, I had this idea to seek out all of the most active cash buyers in my market and try to get a sit-down with them.  I really needed some deals.  But, something told me that the smart move was to find out who was buying houses and attempt to gain some insight into their business.

So, I began reaching out to anyone and everyone I knew who was either actively buying houses, or who knew someone who was actively buying houses.  And, as I began meeting these people and learning their business, guess what happened?


One buyer gave me his proof of funds letter.  That's right.  All I did was explain that I wouldn't actually be needing any funds. But by having access to and presenting a proof of funds letter along with my offer, I would instantly gain credibility in the eyes of the seller. And, this credibility would lead to more deals that I can bring to him. He agreed.  I had the letter next day with the promise of accompanying bank statements upon request.


A proof of funds is proof of credibility. Have you ever tried getting your hands on one of these letters?  You'd have a better chance at finding Jimmy Hoffa.  Trust me.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to give this to you when they know you're a wholesaler.

Five years ago, you could get one in a second.  Now, it seems they are like the heart of Davy Jones… buried in a locked chest on a deserted island somewhere, never to be found.

I got one.

miracleAnother buyer gave me direct access to his sub-contractor.  I simply explained that I was a little uneasy about accurately estimating repairs.  "No problem," he said.  "When you have a deal that you think I'll like, email me and I'll send my contractor out to meet you at the house for a walk-through." 

Um, do you know how hard it is as a wholesaler to accurately estimate repairs?  I once estimated the repairs on a house at $50,000.  That was fine… except that it actually needed $80,000 in repair!  Do you think my numbers were a bit skewed after that little mishap?  Talk about looking like an idiot. 

My estimates are now spot-on.

Another buyer I met allowed me to make offers in his company's name.  Have you ever had a seller look into your business?  I once had a seller Google me, find my wholesaling blog… and then proceed to call me ‘The Maestro’ to my face.  I had to do some really quick thinking to explain that even though my websites all talk about assigning contracts, I was really going to buy his house with cash.

The next day I had a new website, email address and business cards on order.  So, having an actual cash buyer with actual access to actual funding, allowing me to make offers in his name was a Godsend.

And, yet another buyer sends me free leads… daily… still to this day.  Yes, you heard that right.  Free freaking leads.

Be Active

Even though many rehabbers do their own marketing these days, they oftentimes do not have the time, nor the inclination, to call these leads back and enter into a negotiation. 

My buyer that filters me his leads… He told me at the beginning that he had a backlog of "thousands" of leads, waiting to be called.

Freaking thousands?  Are you kidding me?  My response?  Send ‘em to me…

Are you getting what I'm saying, here? 

How did I get all of these miracles to begin instantly appearing in my business?  I simply had an idea and acted on it.  And, that idea led to one opportunity, which led to another, which led to another.  Just going after the buyers led me to more sellers than I ever imagined. 

I was active.

"It's not what you know, but who you know."
                                                      ~ Unknown

I have a good friend.  He's a millionaire.  And, he knows the scoop about every person we know, before I do.  I'm always like, "Hey bro, did you hear about what happened to so-and-so?"  He always knows. It pisses me off, but I can't help but admire it.  He gets it.  The more people he networks with, personally and professionally, the better his life. 

relyHe's actively forming new relationships every day.

One of my former students is the top investor in Sarasota/Bradenton. He made more than $1 million last year.  He has five rehab crews going at all times and in excess of 100 rental properties. 

And, not surprisingly… everyone knows his name.  Not because he's so successful, though.  It's because he's active.  He gets after it.  He's at every REIA meeting every single week.  He picks up the phone, regardless of whether he recognizes the number or not.  He's always open to meetings and he works his tail off to accomplish his goals.

 When's the last time you attended a REIA meeting?

 Do you answer your cell phone every time it rings?

The Lesson Here Is Simple.

GET AFTER IT!  You're not going to earn a freaking dime sitting on the couch.  Trust me.  I once tried.  I tried to attract deals with my mind like those nut jobs try to bend the spoon.

Can it happen?  I guess.  Anything is possible.  Is it likely?  Hells NO!

Look, unless you go by a single name, like Jesus or Buddha, where miracles happen with seemingly no effort, you're gonna have to work.   

But, the good news is that it doesn't take all that much effort.

Just a little action will go a long, long way.  The most successful people in any industry all have one common link… they're connected.  They leverage their relationships to make more and more money. 

How do they get so connected?  They get off their butts and reach out to people.  As a wholesaler, you are providing a valuable service to your buyers.  Why would they not want to meet with you?

So, how committed are you?  Are you willing to work 16 hours a day, if need be?  Are you willing to chase down your county's top cash buyers?  Are you willing to call 20, 30 or 50 sellers a day?

You may not have to.  But, you better be willing. Now, got get active.

Well, hopefylly this lesson was helpful. Make sure you check out my other awesome previous mogul lessons and helpful previous training call.

We’re Listening…

Have you taken the steps to be active, and it’s paid off you? Tell us about it in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Make the commitment to reach your goals. 

Get active. 

Meet people and constantly form connections.

Enjoy the miracles that will come your way thanks to your energy, activity and effort.

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