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Business Development

Don’t Repeat My 2 Biggest Newbie Mistakes

schoolWe all start out as rookies no matter what the profession. And as rookies, we’re going to make mistakes. Those mistakes aren’t (for most of us) easy pills to swallow. Mistakes kill our confidence, crush our spirits and they make us doubt the careers we’ve chosen. Simply put… mistakes suck.

Or do they?

Hey, Cody Sperber here today to challenge you to look at mistakes – my mistakes, specifically – as not only necessary stepping stones to building your business but as good things – no, as great things.

I’ve been in this business long enough to realize that everyone wants to know all about the hiccups I’ve had along the way. And trust me, there are many.

Now, I own those mistakes and even use them as teaching tools. See, I didn’t always realize it back then, but I know now that those mistakes have catapulted me to where I am today. Without them, I wouldn’t have learned some of the most valuable lessons in business… and in life.

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