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Inner Game

Never Ending To-Do List?

Hey Moguls, Shaun McCloskey here…

I’m writing from an absolutely beautiful park near my home in St. Louis, Missouri.  The temperature outside is a perfect 80 degrees, and I’m sitting here on a park bench underneath countless trees towering over me to the tune of what seems like miles.  Beyond the tree line is the Meramec River, where every few minutes I look up to see yet another ever-expanding ring in the water that was brought into existence by a fish, frog or turtle, I couldn’t really say…

I have to admit to you that just recently I was feeling a little overwhelmed by some things that have been on my plate.  I knew I had to get these things done, but the fact is, I didn’t want to do them. 

Have you ever felt this way?

I made a goal for myself this morning that if I was able to finish these mundane tasks before 10 am (all of which I had been putting off for quite some time) I could take the rest of the day off and do whatever I wanted.…

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