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Wholesaling 301

Positive Attitude & What To Do With Leads

Did you wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to take on the day? If not, you should’ve. As Preston Ely and Andrew “The Maestro” Massaro talk about in this training session, having the right mindset with a positive attitude goes very far in helping you reach success. We’ve seen that some of our students have problems and challenges… and a lot of it is because they are Debbie Downer swimming in a pool of negativity. This business takes practice and experience and, most definitely, a positive attitude and outlook. When someone says ‘No, you can’t do this,’ your immediate response should be, ‘Oh yes I can!’ And when those leads finally come pouring in, we not only tell you how to handle them in this session, but you’ll already be ahead of the game thanks to your ‘Yes I can’ mindset. And we’ll help you get there.

Discover and Learn:

  • The one thing to do every morning before you start working that’ll get your mindset in the right place
  • How slightly changing your offers may help you close more deals
  • When to branch out into virtual wholesaling
  • How many leads and deals to expect to come in

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