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Wholesaling 301

Tools & Suggestions For Closing More Deals

The new investor quickly discovers that everything that can go wrong will go wrong when it comes to closing deals. Every deal is different; every seller is different. Sometimes a seller will change their mind midway through the deal. What to do? In this training session, Preston Ely and Pete "The Ninja" Skouras run though several unique scenarios to demonstrate how to stay in control. Once you listen to these crazy and amazing accounts, you’ll have a less chance of being blindsided by any challenges a seller can throw at you. Also, you’ll be less likely to give up and quit when the circumstances turn against you. All of which means, of course, you’ll be closing more deals.

Discover and Learn:

  • You’ll learn how to use the good cop/bad cop strategy to work with sellers in negotiating
  • Great tips on marketing to landlords
  • Why you should consider marketing to European buyers
  • How to build (genuine) rapport with sellers (no need to be phony)
  • How to build (genuine) rapport with buyers (prepared to be impressed with how Pete goes about getting to know his buyers)
  • How to create your own inner determination…

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