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Wholesaling 301

Money-Making Life Tweaks & What To Do With Leads

“Become a Master Marketer.” That’s Preston Ely’s strong admonition throughout this training session. Many investors get into this business without a thought of how crucial marketing can be. You may be in that group. This is why Preston goes to great lengths to explain in detail, marketing methods and strategies that will help investors rise above the competition. You’ll quickly learn in this session that marketing doesn’t have to be hard – but it does have to be done. Action is required! This session will put tools in your marketing toolbox that will get you off high center, and get you moving forward. And, once those leads do start rolling in, thanks to you following Preston’s marketing advice, he’ll also tell you what to do with ‘em.

Discover and Learn:

  • Preston’s opinion of the best study course for contacting absentee owners
  • Tips on how to double your email open-rate
  • The best autoresponder program and how to use it as one of your marketing tools
  • The best program for creating professional-looking newsletters
  • The secret to using newsletters to showcase your…

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