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REI Tech

Postcard Marketing: There’s an App for That

Experienced real estate investors know that postcard marketing campaigns can be:

  1. A real pain in the derriere if you try to do them yourself, or
  2. Expensive if you outsource them

There’s a lot to do in order to launch a successful marketing campaign.  You have to:

  1. Compile your list of prospects (or rent/buy a list from a broker)
  2. Design the postcards
  3. Order the postcards
  4. Address the postcards
  5. Add stamps
  6. Mail

In order to accomplish all the steps, you can do things like outsource some of the tasks to a virtual (or real) assistant, use websites like Click2Mail provided by the post office, have your mom address all the postcards (not recommended), or just do it all yourself (definitely not recommended).

There Must Be an Easier Way

Or maybe you would rather just do the whole…

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