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REI Tech

Video Email, Lightning Fast

eyejotWho needs boring old text emails, when you can send video mails instead? Bam!

I can hear you now saying, “Oh sure… Sounds great, but it’s got to be complicated, tedious and pricey, right?”

Ahem… Try easy, fast and free.  :-)

Today I want to share an incredibly cool little service called EyeJot – a ridiculously easy way for you to send and receive video email from your computer, smart phone or tablet.

It doesn’t require any fancy software, works elegantly with any computer, in any browser, and won’t cost you a dime. All you need is a webcam, the ability to talk to your webcam, and click a couple of times.

How it Works, in a Nutshell

  • So long as you've got a Webcam, just login, click Record, and commence your show-and-tell.
  • When you're done, choose one (or more) recipients and hit send.
  • Then Eyejot will send them a "You've got video" notification via e-mail.
  • When they click the embedded Play Now button…

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