You’ll be SO glad you checked in with me today because I’ve got an awesome website to tell you about that is gonna blow your mind and save you loads of time!
As real estate investors, your world is busy, busy, busy; you’re going 90 to nothing and everything you do that isn’t revenue producing is a necessary evil at best, right?
And one of the things that fits into that necessary evil category is paying bills, reviewing financial reports and all bookkeeping-related-suck-the-life-out-of-you stuff.
Some tools have helped, like online bill paying through your bank, but this one takes the cake – really is on an entirely different level of awesome. It manages your bills, so you don’t have to.
I’ll be very clear: You need to integrate this system into your real estate investing business – it’ll save you time, keep you more organized, and in many ways it can replace the need…
Cory Boatright
has started, run, or been directly involved with almost forty different companies since his early twenties. Many of them required good selling skills. That wasn’t a challenge for Cory. He has sold everything from Ginsu knives on eBay and Kirby vacuum cleaners door-to-door all the way to $50,000 high-end electronics online. Out of the forty-something companies, only two of them ever proved to be worthwhile endeavors. The other thirty-eight he decided to call “business therapy”. Interestingly enough, both of the successful companies harnessed the power of the Internet to make their profits. After bringing in almost 4 million dollars in sales from the first company, Cory sold it and directed his passion to the world of real estate investing. Now he runs and has both successful students and certified Shortsaleology trainers that teach every type of real estate investing known to man-kind. Cory has an incredible team that helps people achieve all their dreams and his own. Cory considers the greatest lesson he's learned in life is "Remember... be a servant".