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REI Tech

The Goods on Tenant Welcome Packages

welcomeHey Moguls, take a stroll down memory lane with me…

Back in the day when you moved into an apartment or rental property, you were handed a stack of papers that welcomed you to the property and spelled out the rules for living there. Remember?

You were expected to keep the papers for the length of your lease. Other than the obsessive-compulsive people out there, how many of you actually kept those documents for very long?

I know I didn’t. In fact, I know many people who didn’t even it ‘em.

Fast forward to the 21st century. Now, thanks to the advanced world of today, we can make great welcome packages for our tenants that they’ll actually read and are easily stored, customizable, and accessible.

Packages that…

  • Stay with the tenant forever if you email it to them or post it on your website
  • Can be updated and/or customized for each tenant, unit or building
  • Communicate lots more than…

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