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Investing Strategies

Using "Embedded Commands" to Influence Sellers

carrotAn Unnerving Question

Here’s an unnerving question for you:

On a scale of 1 to 10 of your least favorite aspects of real estate investing, where would negotiating with sellers rank?

Okay. Next question:

On a scale of 1 to 10 where would your skill level of negotiating with sellers rank?

For most real estate investors, the answer would be about a 10 on the first question and plunging to about a 1 or 2 on the second question.

Who Likes Stomach-Churning?

Let’s get honest. When it comes right down to the sitting-across-the-table, look-‘em-in-the-eyes moment of negotiating, most RE investors fess up that it’s stomach-churning, hand-sweating time.

Unfortunately, sales negotiation is probably the least understood and one of the biggest areas of mistakes for RE investors. If this describes you, here’s some great news for you. It…

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