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Inner Game

What Will People Remember You For?

giftHEY Moguls, Doug Van Buskirk here…

Stephen Covey, in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, runs through an exercise where you write your own eulogy from the perspective of friends, family and colleagues.

It’s a powerful process because it forces you to think about the “long-game.” In the big picture, what do you want your impact to be on the world?

In other words, what will you be known for?

Now, you can take this in two different directions: 

  1. First, what will your business be known for? 
  2. And second, what will you be known for as a person?

But I want you to consider that what you’re known for as a person and what you’re known for in business probably ought to be connected. 

After all, your business is a crystal-clear reflection of YOU. Bold and innovative businesses are rarely led by timid owners. It’s tough to find a philanthropic business that’s run by a miser.

You spend 40-50…

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