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REI Tech

3 Awesome Loan Calculator Apps

accountantWhen you hear the word “calculator” you think clunky and obsolete right? Much like the evolution of the wireless phone, which weighed in at approximately 2.5 hefty pounds, the calculator has come a long way, too. Back in the day, the calculator was your BFF when it came to math homework and your handy dandy, never-leave-home-without-it check book balancer – and that was if you could figure out the difference between the “C” and “CE” buttons (a question I’m still pondering).

But times, they are a changin’, and as your real estate investment portfolio grows, the number of tools available to simplify your business is also growing.

Here at RealEstateMogul.com, we work hard to share with you what we feel are the most valuable tools on the market today, to help you make the most of your time and money, and to ultimately help grow your business. Today we picked the cream of the crop -- three loan calculators (with a surprise bonus) that are top-rated…

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