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Investing Strategies

6 Reasons Sellers Hate You

hateHey Moguls, Cody Sperber here…

Ya know, sometimes life gives you lemons. It sucks (pun intended). But what can you do when life tosses sourness your way? Rather than make lemonade, I say you take a good hard look in the mirror instead.

The sour I’m referring to is that inevitable moment in every investor’s career when you lose the deal. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, consider yourself lucky. But unfortunately, I promise it will happen eventually.

Sooner or later a seller will choose another investor over you, the price will be wrong, or your offer simply won’t be good enough for whatever reason. It happens…

And when it happens, you’re going to put away the sugar, pitcher and ice and ask yourself this question…

What went wrong? Read on for the answers…

Why Your Deal Went South

1. Your first impression lacked a positive connection

Sellers will choose you because they like you and trust you. And…

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