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Inner Game

7 Mindset Philosophies of the Rich and Successful

What will make you a millionaire?

If you’re like me, Cody Sperber, you want to know what makes the rich and successful, well, rich and successful.

I wasn’t born a millionaire. I’m just an average guy who started out at the same place as anyone else in this business. But from those humble beginnings, with the help of some wise mentors, I have come to win at the game of real estate, and at the game of life.

And I’ve discovered that the key to making that leap is creating a millionaire mindset.

Consider how fortunate you are to be living in a day and age when you no longer have to do business as it was done in the past. Technology has opened doors and created opportunities unheard of only a couple decades ago.

Think about it…

Who would ever think that a nerdy guy like me, who grew up shy and insecure, would today be teaching people like you how to make money?

But yet, here we are. We’re the new rich. We’re taking advantage of these opportunities and making piles of cash along the way.

How do we do that?

We must become fully aware of how to win in the mental arena. The mind is a powerful thing, and those who learn how to harness that power are the ones who make things happen in life.

I firmly believe that thinking like rich people think – in other words, developing a millionaire mindset – is the single most important thing that will determine whether you achieve success as a real estate investor.

It’s more important than all the knowledge you can attain and more important than having a large bankroll. Really.

So, I’ve got some quick tips you need to help you acquire your own millionaire mindset. I’m throwing so hard truths at you, too, so buckle up. This is good stuff…

#1: It’s Not Work, It’s Your Passion

Make it your goal in life to study and learn how wealthy people think. You’ll quickly find that their perception of money and wealth is much different than the perception of people who merely live from paycheck to paycheck.

poorFor instance, the average person may look at the rich and think that they work all the time. But the truth is, they’re following their passion. They’re doing what they love to do and getting paid for it. To them, it’s not work.

Those in the middle class take jobs they don’t like because they’ve been conditioned by society to live in a linear-thinking world that equates earning money with going to work, working hard, getting through the week and living for the weekend (and maybe an occasional vacation).

Time to move away from that kind of thinking.

#2: Develop an Action Mentality

Are you the type of investor who spends hours reading books, watching videos and attending seminars about investing?

Nothing wrong with learning, but no matter how much you know—or you think you know—about being a real estate investor, knowledge alone will never be enough.

It takes purposeful action on your part.

Those who are wealthy have an action mentalityMeanwhile, the masses are waiting for their ships to come in by way of an inheritance or winning the lottery.

It’s this get-by level of thinking that breeds a mediocre approach to life, and all the while the clock of life keeps ticking away.

#3: Be Laser Focused

To be successful in any business, you need laser-focused determination and the willpower to execute a game plan. If up until now you’ve been lax in goal-setting, make every effort to change.

Create your own dream plan that outlines the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family. Make sure it’s vivid and exact.

For some, that means creating short-term and long-term lists of goals—with deadlines. For others, it may involve creating a dream board where you post pictures of those things you dream of doing, places you dream of going and the type of business you dream of having.

This is what it means to be laser focused!

You know what you’re working for and working toward.

#4: Take Risks and Bounce Back

Everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of life. And everybody can start over. Nothing is permanent. Never let a mistake, or a perceived failure, cause you to stop or slow down.

It’s how fast you refocus that will determine your future success. Don’t be afraid to take a few risks and jump on opportunities when they’re in front of you.

dotJack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, applied for 30 jobs after he graduated from college and was rejected by all of the companies he applied to. Even after he started Alibaba, he spent a few years working with no revenue. And yet he never even thought about quitting. Why? Because he had not lost his millionaire mindset!

The truly wealthy choose to learn and grow from every experience—success or failure.

#5: Look Out for Yourself

Self-help truly means helping yourself. Nobody’s going to do it for you.

As much as this may go against the grain, it’s nonetheless true: The rich go out there and try to make themselves happy.

They’re not out to save the world. They’re aware that if they fail to take care of themselves, they will never be in a position to help anyone else. The average wage earner looks on this as a negative, but it serves only to keep them poor.

#6: Act Now

Speed is everything in the world of real estate investing. The faster you can adapt in a changing market, the more money you’re going to make.

Realize that the rich don’t just sit back and wait. In an ever-changing world, rich people think about the future but have the means to act now. Good investors know how to make a quick decision to seize a fleeting opportunity.

You may have heard the phrase: ready, fire, aim.

It involves the amazing benefits of moving from idea to action at the fastest possible speed. This certainly doesn’t mean reckless abandon, but it does mean you can be set free from the paralysis of analysis.

#7: Listen and Learn

For the final tip, it’s essential that you surround yourself with business associates and mentors who care about you and your success. This is mandatory if you want to achieve financial freedom.

The middle class often has a negative opinion about the rich, seeing them as exclusive and snobbish. The fact is, rich people want to surround themselves with like-minded people. The average wage earner, with their negative money mentality, is not the type of company the wealthy are looking for. They simply cannot afford to listen to the messages of doom and gloom.

And you cannot afford to listen to those voices either.

Take a good look around you. Who are you hanging out with? Are you letting those who are satisfied with a mediocre existence affect you and your thinking?

If so, then it’s time to make a change. Begin to seek out those who are doing what you want to do, and are doing it well, and invest your time listening to them—and learning from them.

There You Have It

In order to move into the realm of the wealthy, you must change your mindset first. Time to get started.

As in now.

Go for it!

You Weigh In

Where are you on your journey toward creating your own millionaire mindset? Leave a comment below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

1. Identify the mindset that will require the most attention.

2. Make a game plan to attain all 7 mindsets.

3. Internalize each mindset, take action on them and watch them work.

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