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Inner Game

Are You a Leader?

leaderAre you sick and tired of working around the clock and never having any personal time?

JP Moses here, and believe it or not… the best way to succeed in your business is to let others work for you. I really mean it—stop working so hard yourself and let someone else help.

But, this only works if you learn to do a different kind of hard work: the hard work of good leadership.

1 Is the Loneliest Number

I was one of those guys who would scratch and claw his way into any kind of deal to make it happen.

I remember talking with a friend about it, actually. He could relate. He told me his marriage was suffering because his job was 24/7 and that’s all he did. One night, he looked at his wife, who he never spent any quality time with, and decided he just couldn’t do it anymore.

What did he do? Same thing I did when I had the realization enough was enough…

I decided I wanted – and needed – to be a leader

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