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Inner Game

It's Real: The Law of Attraction

believeSo, my wife and I don’t have cable TV. We cancelled it a few years ago.

Quick Soapbox: If you still have cable TV and turn it on when you get home from work, or if you set your DVR to record more than 2-3 shows each week, I can guarantee that this practice alone is a huge thing holding you back from reaching your goals in life.

But back to my story …

Trevor Mauch here, and now we subscribe to Hulu – which is barely a step above cable TV as far as a time waster, in general. But we started watching stuff in the site’s documentary section, which is awesome.

So I was flipping through the options one night, and I stumbled on a movie Hulu uploaded into their system, called The Secret.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this movie or not, but if you haven’t watched The Secret, then you should definitely look it up and watch it. 

Here’s the gist of it: What you think about is what comes to be reality in…

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