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Inner Game

Don't Let Your Connections Die

friendsYou’ve probably read those fancy “reports” about the “death of...” [insert basically anything here].

The “Death of the Internet”... the “Death of Real Estate.” Seems everything is “dying” these days.

Trevor Mauch here and if I had to write a “The Death of...” report... it would be The Death Of Connections.

Connections as we know it are more scarce than ever...

Before you write off this lesson as something you don’t need to read, something that doesn’t affect you, something that you “already know”... don’t

Stay with me and you’ll see why...

You’ll see why connections are so closely tied with happiness and impact, and how I’ve actively built more connections and community for myself and my companies and reaped the benefits (financial and happiness) as a result.

Ok, lets dive in.

So, do you remember ever watching TV shows from the 40s, 50s and 60s?  I love those shows. One thing…

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