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Investing Strategies

7 Ways to Keep Good Tenants in Your Rental Properties

You LandlordHowdy Moguls, JP here with a great lesson that we haven’t typically talked about much. But it’s important enough that it certainly requires some good thoughts about it – keeping good tenants in your rentals.

In the world of long-term landloring and keeping tenants, a lot of energy is put into finding the right tenants and getting rid of the bad tenants, with good reason…

Although, I think that not enough is said about keeping the good tenants. You know and I know that the most expensive part of landlording is vacancy. It’s definitely our dirty word. I kinda cringe just typing it actually.

Vacancies can quickly suck up any profit you may have built up. Having a piece of property sitting there – empty – is not a good situation.

So of course, anything you can do to minimize or eliminate vacancy is to your benefit.

One problem is that a lot of landlords don’t recognize what they have in a good tenant.…

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