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Investing Strategies

The Equity Delusion: Collecting Houses vs. Cash Flow

Anyone who knows me knows that my years in real estate investing have taken a number of twists and turns. I've had some great big wins and some painful losses (just like any other investor with more than a couple of years notched on their belt).

These experiences have been an important part of my path to success. And they have taught me some powerful lessons – lessons that have shaped and reshaped the choices I make and the way I think – about investing, about what makes a truly good deal, about what’s worth the fight and what’s not, about cash today vs. cash flow, and so on.

And frankly, I get a great deal of fulfillment out of helping newer investors find their own path in real estate investing, while hopefully shortening their own learning curve a bit from sharing some of the key lessons I've learned along the way.

The Equity Delusion

I recently met with a nice young couple. While they have regular jobs, they had flipped a couple houses and had a portfolio of 3 rental houses as well. They had asked me to look at what they were…

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