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Investing Strategies

3 Stellar Strategies: #3 Buy & Hold

solutionHi Moguls – Matt Andrews back again bringing you the 3rd and final lesson in our 3-part series about Stellar Strategies.

In the first lesson, we covered wholesaling. I gave you basic investing and wholesaling information, plus I talked about a few examples of some of my real-world successful wholesale deals.

In Part 2, we went over the details of flipping houses and how that arena moves you into doing bigger deals and netting wider profit margins.

Flipping is when renovating and rehabbing come into play… which brings us directly into Part 3 about rehabbing.

In today’s lesson, we’re covering the buy-and-hold strategy—this is where the real money can be made. This is when you buy or gain control of a property for the purpose of holding…

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