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Inner Game

The Absolute Criticalness of Self-Education (That’s right, I said criticalness…)

From Preston Ely...

"Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune."

- Jim Rohn

I never went to college. So far so good, according to Mr. Rohn. But had I not taken the next step in the quote, self-education, I would be serving you a Bloomin’ Onion at the local Outback right now. Maybe not even... probably the other Bloomin’ Onion that’s not as good at Chili’s.

I have read countless books, attended I don’t know how many seminars and invested thousands and thousands of dollars on home study courses. Shoot – I’m going through one home study course right now that cost well over $1,000, and I have another one standing in line behind that one that was also more than $1,000.

Would you like to know why I buy these things without fear of the expenditure, time and time again?

Because I have conditioned myself to ACT on the knowledge that I acquire. And this multiplies my original…

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