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Inner Game

Turning Fear Into Fuel

Fear. We all have it. Fear of death, fear of public speaking, fear of looking stupid… but why do some of us fear success?

How are some of us able to overcome our fears and take the necessary risks needed to succeed while the rest of us are paralyzed by fear?

The answer is in this quote by Helen Keller:

“Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.”

In other words, some people realize that the fear of regret or the outcome of doing nothing outweighs their fear of failure or fear of success.

Today, my friends, I want to share an incredibly touching and motivating video by Jonathan Fields. Jonathan is going to teach us how our fears are a form of classical conditioning and that we can turn that fear into fuel to for success.

Here’s a taste of Jonathan’s wisdom that really struck me:

“I cannot resign myself to living the rest of my life in a vacuum of regret. I cannot resign myself…

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