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Into the Flames: Fire-Damaged Houses

Fire-damaged houses: a good deal or a bad deal?

The answer is, it all depends…

Hey Moguls, Jason Lucchesi here, and a fire can be a really traumatic experience for a homeowner. The thing is, you can turn that homeowner’s awful situation into a situation of potential. But you also need to proceed with caution – not all fire-damaged homes are equal.

So I’m going to walk you through how to evaluate a fire-damaged property and how to make sure you’re not missing out on any opportunities to help a homeowner.

Do Your Homework

The bottom line here is that the level of damage to the property is going to determine whether you should get involved or not.

When deciding to invest, gather all the information:

  • Where did the fire start?
  • Which rooms are damaged?
  • What are the significant damages?
  • What are the minor damages?
  • What is the square footage of the property and how much of that was damaged?
  • How…

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