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No Need to Get Stressed Over Investing in Distressed Properties Part 1

Want our secret lead generation strategy that even the "GURUS" don't know about? Get our specific proven advice that will work in YOUR market today!

(NOTE: Want the absolute EASIEST way to find houses at 50% off their value? Learn more with our latest this special report.)

Today is a great day, Moguls! Why? Because we’re introducing a brand new awesome Faculty Advisor, hooray!

We are super excited that Lex Levinrad is joining the ranks here at Mogul, and you will be too, once you hear all the amazing expertise he has to offer and share with us.

Lex, who’s also a Realtor, has been doing REI full time since 2003 – he’s done rehabs, wholesales, fix and flips and rentals, and specializes in buying foreclosures, short sales and bank-owned properties (REOs) – to the tune of more than 500 transactions. He also trains new real estate investors in his own company, the Distressed Real Estate Institute.

Lex is also invited to speak about investing all over the country and has been featured on Fox News Radio, Mortgage Daily News, Yahoo Real Estate, Real Estate Professional Magazine, Real Estate Wealth Magazine and a bunch more publications, websites and blogs. Lex even hosts his own radio show.

Pretty smart and successful…

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