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Why I Don't Do MLS Deals

Want our secret lead generation strategy that even the "GURUS" don't know about? Get our specific proven advice that will work in YOUR market today!

(NOTE: Want the absolute EASIEST way to find houses at 50% off their value? Learn more with our latest this special report.)

sandboxHi Moguls, Patrick Riddle here with an interesting perspective on the difference between working with MLS-listed properties (which means you do deals through Realtors) and working with non-listed properties (which means you negotiate directly with sellers).

There are a number of differences between these two options and we’re going to talk about the most important ones.

I’ll start this off by saying that if you have an abundance of resources, if you have perfect credit and available cash to close the deal, then working with listed properties may be the best way for you to go.

Is anyone out there raising your hand to having all that in place? Probably not.

So… if you don’t have an abundance of resources, then working with properties that are not listed is by far the easiest way to get that first deal. Here’s why…

Realtors have a lot of unnecessary rules that they impose on everyone. They do…

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