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Inner Game

Do These 5 Things to Get Your Head in the Game

Let me guess… You sit at your desk in cubicle city day in and day out dreaming about busting out of corporate America and becoming your own boss.

I know ‘cause I’ve been there, done that.

So many of you out there are ready to make money on your own terms.

But how can you get (and keep) your head out of your “you know what” and in the game? What steps can you take to reach your own pinnacle of success?

Well my friends, this is Steph Davis here today to share with you 5 simple tips that will help you become financially independent. I’m here today to tell you that your dream can become reality if you take these 5 steps to heart.

Enough with the small talk… let’s get down to business, shall we?            

Say it Loud, Say it Proud

Tip #1 is super important to me and close to my heart, because like so many of you, I finally reached that pivotal breaking point when I decided no more working for someone else, no more micromanaging and no more “doing time” with a job that I (frankly) could care less about. 

This first tip is all about making a commitment, a conscious choice to go “all in” and make a life-changing change. There comes a time in every real estate investor’s life when you stop “half-assing” (forgive my French) it, and you actually make efforts to make “it” happen.

But you’ve got to make the proclamation. Say it out loud. Tell yourself – and tell others – that you’re making a big change (for the better) to start your own business, your own way. Make the statement and make it happen.  

Stop the Shiny Object Syndrome

What do children and real estate investors have in common?


They’re both distracted by shiny new “toys,” and in the world of real estate investing, new toys are new properties (in case you weren’t following along with my analogy).

persistenceHere’s the deal…

If you want to become a confident, knowledgeable investor, you need to do one thing: focus.

For the longest time, I was all over the place trying to decide what kind of real estate investment I wanted to get into. In the end, I decided to focus on wholesaling wholeheartedly. But you need to say “enough is enough” to online courses, and you must stop the vicious cycle of gravitating to the latest and not so greatest method of making money in the real estate investment world.

Just choose your focus, be confident in your decision and take the plunge.

Surround Yourself with Success

Like-minded people will take you far. It’s not rocket science. So, surround yourself with those who have similar business goals and mindsets and those who are already successful at what you want to do.

My advice? Take a good hard look at where you’re currently working. Chances are you’re surrounded by doubters and people who have no desire to work for themselves… and that’s fine. I call them Debbie Downers (wah-wah-wah), but I want you to call them motivators.

Take their negative energy and turn it into something positive, because they will only hinder your success. So instead of hanging with these haters, find ways to network with people who have achieved real estate investment success, those you can learn and grow from. You can even join online real estate investment forums to make some game-changing connections.

Take Action

You hear it all the time and it’s for good reason. Taking action is probably the most important thing you can do to get and keep your head in the game.

With that said, get off the couch right now and do something! Please!

Even baby steps can lead to major leaps and bounds, so just do something, anything. I challenge you to take that “something” one step further and do something that scares you.

Just get the ball rolling. Taking action and doing something outside of your comfort zone creates momentum… and momentum builds confidence. And once you have some confidence under your belt, so to speak, the sky is limit.

Once you gain momentum and feel confident in your ability to rock the world of real estate investment, you will become unstoppable.

Persistence is Power

Times get tough. Suck it up.

focusYou must realize that the world of real estate investing isn’t always going to be puppies and kittens. There are going to be road blocks, doors slammed in your face and frustrating challenges along the way.

The key is being able to persist, to power through the tough stuff and move on with confidence.

Truth be told, most people don’t make it. When times get tough, they throw in the towel. They forget to put their big boy (or girl) pants on and roll with the punches.

But guess what? That won’t be you. No way. You’re going to bust butt daily, knowing that this business isn’t easy. You’re going to embrace the challenges, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

And in the end, you will prevail. You will succeed because you will be persistent.

Speak Up!

If you’re gonna hang with me, you’ve gotta be a talker and a doer. Share your experiences, goals and even failures. This is a safe space, my friends. I’m listening….


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Understand that deals will fall through, but know this motivational pause can only make you stronger.

Find what motivates you to keep moving forward – seminars, networking events, advice from your mentor.

Surround yourself with successful people and make efforts to learn from them.

Focus on one real estate investment path and stop being so wishy-washy.

Take action – no matter how small – to get and keep the ball to success rolling. 

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