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Investing Strategies

How to Find the Rehabbing 'Sweet Spot' for Your City

Want to learn step-by-step how to find, fix, and flip nice houses for MON$TER paydays? Learn more here.

(Note: Want the best system for fixing and flipping houses in the world? Get our 17-Step Systemized Renovation Process, guaranteed To make rehabbing houses fast, fun, & easy.)

Hey Moguls, an awesome new Faculty Advisor is treating us today to a terrific lesson.

Chris Seder is an investor from Billings, Montana, who has grown his rehabbing business from doing just 1 deal a year to doing more than 10 deals a year – consistently. Chris did have a little help early on, which helped propel him to his successful REI career, his dad has been rehabbing and buying rentals since the early 1980s.

These days, Chris specializes in rehabbing and wholesaling and is a master of marketing and creating marketing systems. He also does 2 to 5 virtual wholesale deals a month, and he’s an author, speaker and real estate investing coach.

And that Mogul friends is why we’re pumped to welcome Chris – ‘cause we know we’re gonna get loads of good REI info from this dude. And with that…

From Chris Seder…

Hi Moguls, I’d like to pose a question:

“Does the location of your next rehab project really matter?”

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