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Inner Game

How I THRIVE Through Trials

2015-6-22-260.jpgHey Moguls, Preston Ely here…

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
                                    ~ Henry Ford

Interesting quote, huh? How fitting for me. This lesson is late. I was supposed to send it over to the team for publishing hours ago…

It’s late because my laptop exploded in a ball of fiery flames this morning. I knew today was going to be a challenge even before that happened though.

Sure do hope I get all that information out of my laptop somehow. All of it compiled = my life.

I threw my back out doing dips in the gym a couple days ago. Doing dips. Who does that? Needless to say, the pain is pretty annoying.

I woke up yesterday morning with a sprained ankle. You heard me right. Some people wake up with a sore throat. I wake up with a sprained ankle.…

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