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Inner Game

Waiting for an Inspirational Sign? This Is It

signIf you’ve ever heard us say that we here at Mogul are a family – and if you’ve ever doubted it – then you have to read this about the life of one of our students.

What an amazing story… an amazing example of what it means to face setbacks and unbelievable challenges, and come out on the other side as a true winner.

Cody Sperber here with a very special story and message…

Today, I want to salute this student – we’ll call him Sam. We feel so privileged to be able to link arms with people like him, who face some of the biggest roadblocks in life that you could ever imagine.

Believe me when I say we have watched many of our students go from what we like to call “zero to hero.”

We hear the stories of massive breakthroughs… they’re in dire straits, and then they snag that first deal. Then another and another, and then they go on to make literally millions of dollars.

And those “wins” totally change their lives for the better.

This May Top Them All

The stories never stop and we never tire of hearing them.

But this one… well, this one may just top all that we’ve ever heard. Sam’s story will inspire you and could change your life.

Several years ago, Sam’s home was caught in a flood and he and his family lost everything. A year or so later, after relocating, there was an explosion in a neighbor’s house, which destroyed his house too. Again, they lost everything.

Neither of these horrific events slowed Sam down. He was actively building his own business, when one day, out of the blue, he collapsed in his office, experiencing grand mal seizures.

He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a brain tumor. After surgery, he was paralyzed on his left side and couldn’t even talk. Now he was terrified that he wouldn’t be able to support his family. After many weeks of occupational therapy (relearning how to walk and talk and even tie his shoes), he was getting progressively better.

During his recovery time, he lost his business.

This Is Not Going to Beat Me

pizzaBut then he was diagnosed with yet another brain tumor—this time, inoperable. And all he could say was, “This is not going to beat me.”

After much research regarding brain tumors, Sam totally changed his lifestyle. He radically changed his diet and began working out at the gym. He cut back on the stress of traveling with his business.

He started working with a friend in a new business that quickly became successful, only to have it yanked away by the government. And once again, he was back to square one.

Sam then found little ole me and my mentoring company, and he’s now happily wholesaling houses as a real estate investor.

How Would You React?


How would such events affect you and your life?

How would you react?

Would you throw in the towel and quit on life?

Sam is definitely an amazing person. His example of getting back up after repeat setbacks is an inspiration to all of us. He was knocked down time after time after time, but kept going. And, he has a loving, supportive family, which has been a blessing all along the way.

Sam’s story helps us look at the challenges in our own life in a new and different way. This is not to minimize what you might be going through right now, but rather to encourage you.

You can make the decision to allow your challenges to shape you and make you better. To make you stronger.

This is a truth that many people miss.

They get so focused on all that’s going wrong in their lives, they lose sight of the importance of pushing through and moving on.

We can’t choose the struggles that we come up against in life, but we certainly have a choice in how we face them and deal with them.

betterIt’s a Choice

Why didn’t Sam’s challenges destroy him?

Because he was bulldog, determined not to let them have the last say. He refused to give in. He refused to quit.

How will you let your obstacles define you?

Will they crush you? Destroy you?

Or will they sharpen you into a better version of yourself?

It truly is your choice.

Your Journey

How does Sam’s story affect you? Can you relate? Does it give you hope? We want to hear your story in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Ask yourself how you might have reacted to the same challenges Sam faced

Learn to look at challenges as tools that sharpen you and make you better

Be determined to never quit; never give up—no matter what

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