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Investing Strategies

Student Housing: Best Practices for Finding Awesome Tenants

futileClass is back in session, folks.

That’s right… You’re about to get schooled – again!

Today’s lesson represents the fifth installment of our ongoing series about student housing investments, in which we join Mr. Overachiever himself for another engaging chat about his favorite strategic niche.

Yes, I’m talking about the one-and-only Doug Fath.  We’ve introduced this unique “renaissance man” several times throughout the course of this series, and his list of accomplishments is so long that our fingers are starting to hurt from all the typing.

(Seriously, Doug… Do you ever sleep?!)

With that in mind, don’t hesitate to check-out one of Doug’s previous lessons, if you have any doubts about his qualification to teach today about Best Practices for Finding Awesome Tenants:

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