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Investing Strategies

Wholesalers: What To Do Once They Accept Your Offer

Want our step-by-step formula for flipping houses from your cell phone? Get it here.

(Note: Want the best system for fixing and flipping houses in the world? This brand new report exposes our step-by-step formula for wholesaling houses site-unseen in ANY area of the country … all from the comfort of your cell phone! Learn more.)


~ Preston Ely, Doer of Deals


You’re in for a treat today, little mogul. I’ve decided to hand you an exact copy of the official instructions I give to my personal students regarding the process of selling our wholesale deals. Literally, this is exactly what I tell them to do – steal our secrets and prosper, my friend…

What to Do Once We Contract On a Property:

1. Take some pictures of the house – more the better, but at least the front of the house

2. Input the whole shebang – every picture, document , jot and tittle into Freedom$oft

3. Discuss with me how much we will be selling the property for. [determine your sales price]

7. Go put 5-10 bandit signs out around the house (not too close) advertising it as follows:

Must Sell RIGHT NOW!
(813) XXX-XXXX

8. Advertise the property along with the picture, specs, and approx. ARV on Craigslist, and possibly even a…

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