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REI Tech

Landlords: Three Ways to Manage Properties on Your Phone

phoneSo you manage a few properties and you find yourself constantly pulled from one task to the other, from one property to the next.  The only constant in your day-to-day management is probably one little thing you hold in your hand – the device you take with you to every property (and probably fall asleep with at night) – your phone. 

What would you say if I told you we uncovered three cool smartphone apps to assist with your property management?  Yep, we’ve got three apps you definitely need to check out.  Not only are they going to make your life a whole lot easier, but they’re also going save you a lot of time…

thelandlordappThe Landlord App (iPhone, iPad & Android)

Summary: A personal assistant for veteran property managers.

Overview:  The Landlord App was developed as a time-saving tool to maximize the effectiveness of landlords and…

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