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Inner Game

Laziness Is Next To Welfareliness

got upHey Moguls, Preston Ely here…

I’d like to start things off with a perfectly relevant quote from a little someone named Tommy… well, Thomas Jefferson that is:

“Determine never to be idle… It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.”

Here’s the deal: If I am not accomplishing something financially, relationally, spiritually or physically at any given moment, I am a little uneasy. I simply hate wasting time.

Lemme give you some examples from my daily life…

* My hairdresser takes 3 hours to do my hair. This is torture for me, but I have no choice. He’s the best, and I am addicted to the best of everything. Rest assured though, I am reading a book and taking business calls the entire time I’m sitting in his chair. I read a whole book on hypnotism while I was there. (By the way, you’re in a trance right now thanks to me. Just thought I’d let ya know.)

* If I am driving in my car for more than 5 minutes, I’m listening to some sort of educational CD or podcast while I drive. Or making calls.

* At home at night, I am reading or writing.

* If I am on a flight, I am reading or listening to a book on my iPod.

* If I am with another human being, I am always wondering what I can say or do or give to make their life better.

* If I am watching TV, I am searching for some sort of ultimate fighting show so I can watch and learn and get better at violence. (That one is only half true.)

I always want to be learning, giving, growing and accomplishing.

Every successful person I know is this exact same way. They are always looking for opportunities to grow and accomplish. Sitting around watching TV is simply not pleasant to them.

You may think this is merely the idle ramblings of an unhealthily driven man. Well… you’re partly right. I admit, I am a tad on the driven side, which isn’t always good in my opinion. It’s a weakness of mine that I am aware of and keep an eye on. I make time to have fun though, I promise.

lazyBut what of Thomas Jefferson in our awesome quote? He seems like a pretty respectable guy.

What of my pastor, who is the next best thing to Jesus Christ walking on earth, who relays a very similar experience of discontent when nothing is being accomplished?

Speaking of Jesus, I don’t recall him lounging around a whole lot. Every once in a while, but not often. Even people who don't know Jesus (like I do) have to agree that he made an indelible mark on the history of the world, and it sure as heck wasn't by taking life as it comes. He was a man on a mission. He came, He conquered, and He left.

Let’s let another of our Founding Fathers weigh in:

“Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure, the diligent person will obtain, the lazy one never.”
                                    ~Benjamin Franklin

Yep, that’s it Benjy, well said.

So, get to it.

If you find yourself resenting any of this, there is a good chance you are simply lazy. That’s not a criticism. Laziness is something to work on the same way my tendency of being overly driven is.

The point is, we are all here for a purpose, and we need to get busy becoming the sort of people who are capable of achieving our destinies. It’s not just going to come to you.

You have to go out and get it.

Ya heard?

Want to know more on how to find your purpose and why you should? Check out my awesome previous lesson, Finding Your Purpose (you’re welcome).

Whatcha wanna say?

Are you a doer? Did you have to transition from being lazy into a doer? Tell me about it in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Get up off your bum and take action.

Do not sit idle, waiting for something to happen – make it happen.

Decide what you want to accomplish and make a plan of action to accomplish those things.

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