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Inner Game

Reach Your Vision By Answering These Questions

mustacheHey Moguls, Shaun McCloskey here…

If you want to begin to live your vision faster (like right now) – try asking yourself a different question. Rather than using words like “someday” or asking questions like: “Why does this always happen to me?” Try asking something new and you’ll get a new outcome.

It's Personal

Here are a few examples of questions you can ask to help you get a little closer to your personal vision:

  • What’s 1 thing I can do today/this week to begin to live my vision now?
  • How can I show my spouse/partner/kids that I love them rather than just assuming they already know? How could I really show them this week?
  • What am I passionate about; what do I care about; and how can I spend time on these things this week?

Just Business

Here are a few examples of questions you can ask to bring you closer to your business vision

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