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Business Development

Should I Find Deals First or Buyers?

Howdy Moguls, Cody Sperber here with a sort of chicken-or-the-egg lesson…

What I’m talking about today is actually an age-old investing question: Buyers first or sellers first?

I've probably heard arguments for both sides a million times!

And when it comes to marketing, newbie real estate investors can get bogged down very quickly. It’s like they come to a fork in the road and stop – shall I go this way and market to sellers or shall I go that way and build my buyer’s list?

And they stall out.

So, I’m going to help point you in the right direction and take the guesswork out of this little dilemma.

Here’s my take on it...

I always suggest – especially when you’re new – that you market to sellers first. Why? Because if you don’t have sellers, you have no product to sell to buyers.

Here’s the good news... if you have a good property, it will “sell itself.”

Let’s say you have a property worth…

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