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REI Tech

2 Sweet Marketing Tools That Grab Attention

attentionWe’ve all heard it said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and it’s true most of the time, right?  Indeed, some concepts simply need to be illustrated, rather than described.

But have you heard the one about voicemails and emails?  No?  Well, then it is my pleasure to inform you that sometimes “a voicemail is worth a thousand emails”.

Think about it…

How do you joyfully inform your vacationing mother that you just got engaged to be married?  And how do you tell your spouse that you finally got that big promotion, when you know he/she is momentarily without electronic technology?  Do you send lengthy emails, searching for exactly the right words to describe your jubilation?

Probably not.

phoneInstead, it is far more likely that you call them up and leave a voicemail like this:

“Omigosh!  Omigosh!  Omigosh!  It finally

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