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Inner Game

Live at the Edge of Your Capability

failHey Moguls, today I want to share with you some really interesting mindset knowledge that was recently shared with me...

It really hit home with me—Jason Lucchesi—and I think it will resonate with you as much as it has with me.

It comes from a super-successful guy. He was talking about something we all experience in our lifetime—repeatedly:


He says we have to:

  • Fail early
  • Fail often
  • Fail forward

Man, I love that.

But you might be thinking, ‘Um, Jason, I don’t want to fail!’

And I hear that, but the problem is that most people have a negative relationship with failure…

But here’s the thing: failure is a massive part of being able to be successful.

So, you have to get comfortable with failure. You have to actually seek failure.


Failure is where all of the lessons are.

Let me make this tangible for you…

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