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A Crap-ton of Marketing Options for Your Property Scouts: Part I

2018-9-6-260.jpgIf you’re thinking about hiring property scouts (a.k.a. bird dogs) to find you leads, you might be wondering what the most effective marketing is that your scouts can do for you…

Well, as my lesson title says, there are seriously a crap-ton of marketing options you can teach your scouts. And, I’m sharing them all with you in a mini-series of lessons. Woohoo!

Hey Moguls, Dolmar Cross here, letting you know that a HUGE part of your property scouts’ success (and, ultimately, your own) is understanding the importance of marketing, what marketing tools are at their disposal and how to use them effectively.

But you also need to understand that each scout will be able to commit a different level of time and money to marketing, so that’s why you’ll show them all these many options. Then, they’ll be better equipped to choose the best marketing method(s) for themselves.

Look, there are a lot of highly motivated sellers out there, but they…

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