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Inner Game

You Should Just Stop Trying. Seriously.

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here…

“Most people ‘try’ to get what they want. The problem is every time you try, you are setting yourself up for failure. In reality you can’t try to do anything. You either DO it or you DON’T. The whole world is trying and most are failing.”
                                           ~Robert Anthony, Self-Help Guru Extraordinaire

By now you are aware that I teach people to do what I do – flip houses en masse. I also partner with them for their first year. We work together on all their deals ensuring them a fast start without fear of mistakes.

Well, I have two types of students:

1. Those who sign up and immediately begin sending leads over;


2. Those who sign up and immediately begin sending graphs, charts and questions over.

I can barely spot the United States on a map*, let alone read a graph or a chart. You know…

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