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REI Tech

Wave Google’s Wand and POOF! – You Have Your Own PR Firm

Calm DownBig companies and famous people hire public relations (PR) people to keep them out of trouble. Sure, they might say it’s to communicate better with their fans, but really they know there are lots of people gunning for them and their wealth…

With that in mind, famous and wealthy people and corporations actually want their PR folks to:

  • See if anyone is about to sue them;
  • Find out if someone else is using their name or brand;
  • Spy on their competition to see what they are up to;
  • Research demographics in potential new markets;
  • Learn some background on their customers; and
  • Check out other parties they might do business with, such as employees, suppliers, legal services, etc.

We here at Real Estate Mogul want to do everything we can to put you in that ‘wealthy people’ category.  (The famous part is up to you.) Therefore, we think you…

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