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REI Tech

How to Speed Up Online Audio & Video Awesomely

first world problems - online videoFrom JP Moses, Director of Awesome...

Have you noticed how much content online is turning to video these days?

I mean sure, reading text is fine and all – and certainly still the dominant way content is delivered online.  But video is by far becoming the new gold standard on the web. 

In fact, we recently surveyed our members and subscribers and found that basically 50% of you prefer consuming information via video (over written, audio or other forms of communication) when given the option.  That’s a staggering number!

But Then There's the Inefficiency Factor

In terms of engagement, I’ll take audio and (especially) video any day of the week when possible.

But… I’ll also be the first to admit video’s not always the most efficient way to go through something. Personally I’m often frustrated by how much video content I want…

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