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REI Tech

LOL! Using Text Messages to Buy Houses

In this lesson we've got Joe McCall, the expert in a very interesting and unique REI model he calls "wholesaling lease options".  That's right, Joe is wholesaling lease option deals! 

And what I’m about to share with you is a pretty darn cool little way Joe's been using technology in his business lately, specifically text messaging.

joe text messageI've never heard of anyone else who's done this, but he’s actually been using text messaging to attract motivated sellers in a very unique way.

Now, if you are like most people, texting is just part of your day and way of communicating with just about everyone in your life. 

And who doesn't immediately look at a text message when they receive one?  We’re like “Pavlov’s Dog” waiting for our next treat. 

So hang on to your Purina, Joe’s about to give you some killer information on how to text message your way to buying more houses.

What follows is our unscripted, off the cuff conversation about how Joe's using text messaging…

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