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Targeting 1 Specific Seller and Buyer

When setting up a successful wholesaling business, many beginning investors run here and there, trying this strategy and that strategy, and often just spinning their wheels.

But there’s an easier way.

This is Cris Chico, and in this lesson I’m going to show you how to simplify and streamline your wholesaling business.

I’ll show you the types of sellers that we target, how we target them and how we find them. Also, we’ll be discussing buyers. How do we find buyers and how do we market to those buyers?

Let’s start with sellers…

My Favorite Type of Seller

My favorite type of seller is the absentee landlord. (Also known as absentee owners.) There’s not much competition for absentee owners, so you’re not competing with a lot of other investors for the same deal.

I’m looking for those absentee landlords who have owned the property for at least 10 years. They have equity and most of the time the property is in need of repairs.

They usually…

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