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Investing Strategies

Top 5 Negotiating Tips to Use NOW

People outside of the real estate investing realm don’t realize just how many skills you need to be an all-star in this career.

As an REI, you might wear many hats: entrepreneur, salesperson, general contractor, landlord, office manager and marketing guru (not to mention – having a touch of legal knowledge, as well).

But maybe the trickiest role of all?


This is where your negotiation skills come in. If this isn’t your strong suit, have no fear. Cody Sperber here letting you in on 5 of the tried-and-true negotiation techniques that have been majorly effective for my business...

#1 The “Phantom Partner”

This is a solid technique for negotiations. One way to think of it is that it’s kind of similar to the “good cop, bad cop” scenario. Only, in this case, you are the good cop and the bad cop is your phantom business partner who may or may not actually exist. (Shhh... I won’t tell, if you won’t.)

This is the “phantom…

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