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Wholesaling 301

Mapping Neighborhoods, Knowing Your Markets, and Understanding Trends

In this jam-packed training session, we are covering loads of awesome REI info. We start off with solid examples that illustrate how REI is definitely not a one-man business; it’s very much about building rapport and creating solid relationships to tap into when deals come along. We’ll also cover how knowing your area and neighborhood allows you to make smart, appropriate offers and establish the selling prices of your properties. We know that some people are fearful of not knowing those values – what’s the property worth, is my offer right, how do I determine the right values, how do I analyze the market in certain neighborhoods – so, we’ll show you useful online tools and maps that enable you to know neighborhoods and really understand the market trends, which will eliminate that fear.

Discover and Learn:

  • The importance of building relationships
  • What you should say when you call a number from a bandit sign
  • How to quickly get to the right price of a property using comps
  • How to track properties using Google Maps
  • How these specific mapping tips will help ensure you’re making money on every phone…

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